Batalla Naval

What is this?: Batalla Naval is a networked, multiplayer battleship game. It has robots, and support for GGZ Gaming Zone and for IPv6.

Platforms: The game has two versions:
-> The old version called 'batnav' includes an ncurses server and clients for ncurses, xview, win31 and gtk.
-> The new version called 'gbatnav' includes a gnome server, client & robot with support for IPv6 and GGZ.

New version (GNOME) Last update: 17-Apr-2002
Download: gbatnav-1.0.4.tar.gz
Screenshots: Client , Server and Robot Gnome
Changes :
  • Improved GGZ v0.0.5 support (v1.0.4)
  • added Japanese translation (thanks Takeshi Aihana) (v1.0.4)
  • added Russian translation (thanks Kachalov Anton) (v1.0.4)
  • added GGZ v0.0.5 support (v1.0.3)
  • added polish translation (thanks Arkadiusz Lipiec) (v1.0.3)
  • added geman translation (thanks Hermann J. Beckers) (v1.0.2)
  • added transparent network procotol support (v1.0.2)
  • added GGZ v0.0.4 support (v1.0.0)

Old version (ncurses, xview, gtk, win32) Last update: 1997
Download: batnav-0.60.tar.gz
Screenshots: GTK, Xview, windows, ncurses client and ncurses server

Important: The two version (the old and the new one) uses different protocols, so dont mix the versions (eg: dont use a gbatnav client with a batnav server and vice-versa).

Credits: The idea was by Sebastian Cativa Tolosa and me.
The Win16 was done by Horacio Peña
The drawings of the ships where done by Francisco Carrasco
The debian manteiner is Radovan Garabik
The debian packages are in:
and the rest (xview,gtk,gnome,ncurses client & server) was done by me.

Devel info: If you want to colaborate to the project or see the CVS, etc, just click

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